Service and calibration of your instruments, sensors and loggers.
We use traceable references. Fast and professional thanks to our in-house design, production and service. Allow 3-5 working days and transport for adjustment and calibration. We upgrade your Swema instrument to latest firmware for free.
How To Order:
Download and fill in order form found below in Folder Files. Print the completed form and send it to us together with your instruments. Swema instruments can be adjusted and calibrated. Other brands can only be calibrated.
Send service to
Swema, Service
Pepparv. 27
123 56 Farsta
Tel. +46 8 94 00 99
We offer a reduced rental price during service.
Service prices are found below in the folder Files.
Swema performs traceable calibration of:
Air velocity: 0,007…30 m/s
Air flow: 1…1300 l/s, 4-4680 m3<\sup>/h
Differential pressure in air: 0…13.000 Pa
Relative Humidity: 0…95 %RH at 0…60°C
0,5 %RH at room temperature
Temperature: -18…200°C
IR-temperature: 8…200°C
Carbon dioxide: 0, 1610 ppm
Sound level on request
Explaination of some expressions:
Adjustment and calibration:
Adjustment of the instrument followed by calibration with a certificate.
Calibration prior to adjustment:
Certificate to see what the instrument showed at arrival to Swema. Can be ordered as a supplement to Adjustment and calibration. If the instrument needed adjustment two certificates will be delivered. One before and one after adjustment.
Calibration with no adjustment:
Order this when you want a certificate but the instrument may not be adjusted.
Describe the problem as carefully as possible.
Adjustment vs Calibration?
Adjustment is to change the read value of that the instrument to show as correct a as possible.
Calibration is comparison against a known measurement standard, the deviation of the instrument is presented on a certificate.