Swema 3000md is a multifunctional micromanometer and logger with anemometers, temperature and humidity probes,
swema.com/index.php?k=Leakage%20tester”>leakage testers and modems. It is designed for accurate ventilation testing, adjustment and balancing (TAB), aswell as for industry and research applications.
The instrument has a built-in differential pressure sensor and a zeroing valve. It includes a number of specific measuring programs complying with EN 16211, 12599 or ISO 7730. Air velocity is measured with a pitot-static tube. Air flow is displayed from air velocities across an area or measured on a valve with k-factor. The included barometer and thermocouple automatically compensate the velocity and flow for air density.
SwemaTwin proportional balancing of ventilation systems using modems.
Product sheet, Manual