Upgrade of the firmware in SwemaFlow 125D and 4000
Upgrading influences neither the measurement uncertainty nor calibration nor stored measurements.
0. If not done, install SwemaTerminal 3
1. Download 767080_125D_4000_Version_1.16.elf
See program history.
Release history for SwemaFlow 125D_4000.pdf
2. Connect SwemaFlow 126/125D/4001/4000 to PC with USB cable and turn the instrument ON. If not already done start SwemaTerminal 3.
3. Click on “Update Firmware” in the File-menu in SwemaTerminal 3. A program called “Swema Firmware Updater 1.02” is now started.
4. Choose the COM-port the instrument is using (shown in the SwemaTerminal 3 window).
5. Click on “Select firmware” and choose the firmware file you downloaded in step “1.”.
The instrument will now disconnect the virtual COM-port and go to a USB-mode.
6. When the firmware update is done disconnect the USB-cable from the PC. Restart SwemaTerminal 3 and connect the USB-cable to the PC again (this step is needed for the instrument/probe to go back to a virtual COM-port from the USB-mode).
To check firmware version click on “Terminal Window” in the File-menu and then press “Enter” on the keyboard.