Upgrading of the firmware in SwemaFlow 126, SwemaFlow 126 Twin, SwemaFlow 236 and SwemaFlow 4001.
Upgrading influences neither the measurement uncertainty nor calibration nor stored measurements.
Preparations: If not already done install SwemaTerminal 3 and 32-bit java from https://www.java.com/sv/download/manual.jsp. The link is called “Windows Offline” (28 Nov 2019).
1. Download 769750 126_4001_236 Firmware.zip from the folder FILES and extract the content.
See program history Release history for SwemaFlow EN.pdf in the folder FILES.
2. Connect SwemaFlow to PC with USB cable and turn the instrument ON. If not already done start SwemaTerminal 3.
3. Click on “Update Firmware” in the SwemaFlow menu in upper left corner of SwemaTerminal 3. A program called “Swema Firmware Updater 1.02” is now started.
4. Choose the COM-port the instrument is using (shown in the SwemaTerminal 3 window). Close SwemaTerminal 3.
5. Click on “Select firmware”. The instrument leaves COM-port mode and enters programming mode. A driver may need to be installed. Let Windows search for it (in “C:/Program Files/Swema/Firmware/Firmware_Digital_125D_4000/DriverInstall) and install the driver.
6. Choose the firmware file you downloaded in step “1.”
7. When the firmware update is done the black window closes and the instrument enters measuring mode. Close “Swema Firmware Updater 1.02” and disconnect the USB-cable from the PC. The instrument is now updated and ready to use.