SwemaTerminal 2 is a free program that runs on Windows 10.
It transfers data from Swema3000 (Note book och Log book) to a PC over the USB-port.
SwemaTerminal 2 sorts LOG and LOGP files and presents them in a diagram.
SwemaTerminal 2 can uppdate Swema 3000 to the the latest software (transfer file).
SwemaTerminal 2 can also log measure values online from Swema 3000 with a time interval of 0.1 s or slower.
Transfer measuring files to PC.
Unzip the three files to a folder ”SwemaTerminal 2” in your computer.
For example to C:Program(x86)/Swema/SwemaTerminal2
SwemaTerminal files.zip (635 kB)
Install the USB driver for Swema 3000 on PC
1. Double click on Run the file CDM Setup.exe. Folow the instructions for the installation. Click on Extract, Next, Finish. Wait until the message: “FTDI CDM drivers have been successfully installed” is presented
2. Connect a probe to the instrument Swema 3000.
3. Switch on Swema 3000.
4. Set the communication in Menu2 to “USB” on Swema 3000.
5. Connect Swema 3000 to your PC with a USB cable
6. Windows finds the driver automatically and installs it. The installation of the USB-driver on the PC is ready.
Transfer measuring data from Swema3000 to the PC
1. Start the program SwemaTerminal 2
2. Connect Swema 3000 to your PC with a USB cable
3. Switch on Swema3000.
4. To initiate the communication between Swema 3000 and PC, click on ”Search”and a text with the serial number of the instrument is showns. Click on ”Open” and the text ”Device ís ready” shows the program is ready to start transferring to a PC the saved measurements.
5. Select in the Menu 1 of Swema 3000, the note or file to be trasferred to the PC. Press on ”Print”, the middle button under the display. The saved measurement values in Swema 3000 are transferred and written down in the text window to the left. The measured values can be saved, copied to clipboard, or cleared (removed from SwemaTerminal 2). It’s possible to open files with saved data.
6. To get a graph in the white box to the right, sort LOG or LOGP data from Swema 3000 by selecting log program LOG or LOGP. For LOGP, SWA 31 or SWA 03 probe must be selected.
7. Select the parameter to be shown in the graph, depending on the measured parameters. Select between Barometric pressure, the average, the maximum, the minimum, and the standard deviation of the air velocity (Vavg, Vmax, Vmin, respective stdD), the temperature or the Draught rate DR%.
8. The sorted data (measuring data transferred to the PC) can be cleared or saved, but not reopened.
9. Loggning online is possible, but no graph is shown. Select interval and start loggning in lower left corner.
Calibration protocol
Press “ENTER” on the PC-keyboard to transfer the probe calibration protocol to the PC.
(The probe must be connected to the instrument.)
To print out the Swema3000 calibration protocol press “v” on the PC-keyboard.